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  • Hot and BOTHERED: How to deal with feeling horny all the time

    Sometimes we feel horny when we don’t want to, but aren’t quite sure what to do about it. This post has a few strategies to help us change how we feel about feeling horny, and tips to cool off when we’re feeling turned on.

  • An Intro to Aromanticism

    Aromanticism is when someone doesn’t experience romantic attraction, or doesn’t experience it the way alloromantic people do. This post explores what that word means, and some other helpful labels we might use to describe those feelings.

  • On the left is white text that reads "FAQ: My partner told me they're asexual. What does this mean for me?" and on the right is an icon of two people talking. The background is orange.

    FAQ: My partner told me they’re asexual. What does this mean for me?

    In this article we cover some of the first questions people often have when trying to understand how their partner being ace may or may not impact their relationship.

  • In the centre is white text that reads "dealing with social isolation." Below is an icon of a person with what looks like rain around them. The background is blue.

    Dealing with Social Isolation

    Social isolation has been around a long time, and takes on a number of different forms. In this article we go over some things you might consider trying if you (or someone you know) is trying to break the cycle of social isolation.

  • The left is fuchsia text that reads "The Blood Ban" Barriers to Donating Blood in Canada." On the right is an icon of a blood bag with a Ban circle over top. The background is white.

    The Blood Ban: Barriers to Donating Blood in Canada

    Blood donation has been in the news lately, as Canadian Blood Services are going to be changing some of their requirements around who can and can’t donate blood. In this article we’re going to talk about blood, how blood donation works, HIV/AIDS, and more!

  • The left is green text that reads "FAQ: Are you supposed to have a "tight vagina" when you have sex? on the right is a green icon of a vaginal opening. The background is white.

    FAQ: Are you supposed to have a “tight vagina” when you have sex?

    Hearing about how vaginas should or should not be “loose” or “tight” can be stressful and be a source of insecurity for anyone with a vagina, which is totally valid! Read more as we bust this myth!

  • On the left is orange text that reads "an introduction to sexual fantasies (+ infographics)." On the right is an orange icon of a brain in a head. The background is white.

    An Introduction to Sexual Fantasies (+ Infographics!)

    In this article we cover some of the most frequently asked questions about sexual fantasies. Plus! Some easy to share infographics if you want to spread the word!

  • On a white background, blue text reads "The Role of Culture in Teen Sexuality." To the right are 3 overlapping speech baloons.

    The Role of Culture in Teen Sexuality

    For this article, one of our volunteers did anonymous interviews with 3 teenagers all about the question: To what extent does culture and society play a role in youth sexuality?

  • On a fuchsia background, white text reads "Looking at Different Types of Attraction." There are also two human figures being connected by an arrow.

    Looking at Different Types of Attraction

    There are lots of different ways that people can be attracted (or not) to each other. So read on for just some of the labels and concepts people have for understanding and talking about attraction!

  • On a green background there is white text that reads "What is a Preterm Birth?" next to a white icon of a swaddled baby.

    What is a Preterm Birth?

    We talk a lot about pregnancy, and about supports for after giving birth, but what about things that can happen during the birthing process? This article covers some of what happens during a preterm birth.