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Tag: ohip

  • Text says "How Does OHIP+ Work?" and on the right is an icon of a hand with an ID card.

    FAQ: How does OHIP+ work?

    OHIP+ helps cover medication costs for youth 24 and under who don’t have private insurance. This post answers some of our OHIP+ FAQs.

  • What is Covered by OHIP+: Birth Control Edition

    OHIP+ came into effect on January 1st, 2018, and it makes many medications free for children and youth up to age 24. But which types of birth control does it cover? We break it all down in this post!

  • FAQ: Can my parents access my health records?

    Not all teens want their parents finding out about their sex life. Regardless of the reason, we believe that you should be in control of who finds out about your personal health information. But what does the law say?