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Fingering and Fisting

Fingering and fisting can be a good way to give someone pleasure, but not everyone is into it.

What are fingering and fisting?

  • Fingering is when one or several fingers are placed inside someone’s vagina* or anus to give pleasure.
  • Fisting is when the whole hand is put inside someone’s vagina or anus. It is called fisting because once inside, the hand is usually curled into a fist shape.

Who does fingering and fisting?

  • Fingering and fisting are done by people of all genders and sexual identities.

Is fingering and fisting dangerous?

  • Fingering and fisting are low risk activities when in comes to STIs and can be very enjoyable.

Will fingering and fisting hurt?

  • The vagina and the anus are very sensitive areas of the body and when you are a teen they are still developing. This might mean that you may find fingering or fisting uncomfortable or even painful.
  • While some discomfort is normal (especially when you are first exploring), pain is not normal.
  • If you’re experiencing pain with sex of any kind, talk to your health care provider or go to a walk-in clinic, a sexual health clinic, or Planned Parenthood Toronto’s Health Services.

How can I make the most of fingering/fisting?

  • Get turned on (like by masturbating) beforehand. This will help especially if you are someone with a vagina, because your vagina will become wet and provide natural lubrication.
  • During fingering and fisting talk to your partner about what feels good and what doesn’t.
  • Move your fingers/hand around and ask your partner what feels pleasurable.
  • Be slow and gentle, especially when starting.
  • If necessary, use lots of lube.
  • Try combining fingering and fisting with kissing or stimulation of other parts of the body.

Will fingering and fisting expose me to any STIs?

  • It’s not likely that STIs will be passed on by fingering or fisting someone.
  • However, if you have body fluids, such as vaginal fluid or blood, on your hand and then you use the same hand to touch someone’s vagina or anus you could pass something on. If you have a cut on your hand and another person’s fluids get inside, it could also spread an STI. Consider using gloves for safer fingering and fisting.
  • It’s not a good idea to touch the anus and then touch the vagina without washing your hands. Bacteria are easily transferred this way, and could cause urinary tract infections.
  • For more information on STIs and how to protect yourself check out the section on STIs

Can pregnancy happen from fisting/fingering?

  • No, you cannot get pregnant from just fisting/fingering. Pregnancy can only occur if sperm is ejaculated in or near the vagina.
  • For more on how pregnancy happens, check out How Pregnancy Happens.
Useful Tips
Don’t ever put a toy or body part into anyone’s vagina that has been used in anyone’s butt without washing or putting a new condom on it first. Moving bacteria from the butt into the vagina can cause an infection.
Talk with your partner before fingering and fisting to find out what you are both looking for.

If you have questions about this topic, feel free to contact one of our peer educators. [Link]

*We know that these aren’t the words everyone uses for their bodies (eg. trans folks), and support you using the language that feels best for you.

Last Edited: May 2020

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