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How To Be More Present During Sex

Do you ever find it hard to focus on sex? Whether with a partner or by yourself, do you find your mind drifting off or just feel like it’s impossible to pay attention to whatever pleasurable activity you’re trying to do? It’s very common!

This post covers some possible explanations, as well as some possible solutions, for how to address feeling distracted when it comes up during sex. Overall, though, we want to emphasize that it’s okay to find it hard to stay present during sex. It doesn’t mean you’re bad at sex, or something’s wrong with you. Not all activities capture everyone’s attention the same way, and it might take some practice if you want to feel more present.

Why can’t I focus?

There’s no single reason why people have a hard time focusing during sex, but here are some possibilities:

What can I do to focus better?

Just like how there are many reasons why you can’t focus, there are many things you can


Here are some more articles that you can read to learn more about being present during sex:

If you have questions about this topic, feel free to contact one of our peer educators. [Link]

Last Updated: January 2021

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