Teen Health Source Pride Series: How Can I Celebrate Pride?
By Teen Health Source
How can I Celebrate Pride?
Pride is a time to celebrate 2SLGBTQ+ people, connect with community, get politically active, rest, celebrate, mourn and so many other things. It can be a complicated or challenging time as well as a really joyful time. With Pride month coming to an end, we wanted to go over some of the different ways you can celebrate both during the month of and beyond. Remember that 2SLGBTQ+ folks deserve to be validated and supported throughout the year, not just for one month!
There are so many different ways to recognize Pride. In this page we pulled together some different ideas. Hopefully you can find a way to recognize Pride here that works for you and if not, feel free to reach out to our Peer Educators and we can brainstorm some ideas together.
Activities on your own time
There are lots of things you can do at home, at a park or almost anywhere you feel comfortable to celebrate Pride. These activities can be done alone or with friends.
- Affirmation Deck: Take a look at this Affirmation Deck or create your own affirmations. Each card features a statement to help youth feel seen, valued, and supported. The cards touch on A BUNCH of topics, including bodies, consent, gender, identity, healing/recovery, self-love, relationships, and more.
- Check out media by 2SLGBTQ+ creators: Listen to music, a podcast, watch TV or movies, read a book or check out other art and media by 2SLGBTQ+ creators
- Learn more about the history and current state of pride (one way you can do that is through this series)
- Make some art or write about what pride means to you: you don’t have to be an artist! Just spend some time thinking about it then you can doodle, colour, paint, write some words, anything you want.
- Make some Pride clothing: You could make a tie dye or embroidery project inspired by a pride flag. They often sell embroidery and tie dye materials at the dollar store.
- Do something that affirms your identity: or something that just makes you feel good! This could be journaling, attending a cultural event, wearing a subtle pride flag, watching videos of someone with a similar identity as you, creating an affirming avatar in a game, painting your nails, wearing a style of shirt you want, or a new body spray scent etc. See if you can find even a small way to make yourself feel affirmed as well as safe.
Supporting 2SLGBTQ+ Artists and Businesses
One way some people recognize Pride is by buying creations from 2SLGBTQ+ artists or supporting businesses owned by 2SLGBTQ+ people. There are so many amazing artists and businesses out there, some examples of places to find them are the Flamingo Market (virtual and in person options) and the Toronto Queer Market (in person).
Get Politically Active
Existing as a 2SLGBTQ+ person in this world is an act of resistance. If you aren’t up for doing more activism than that right now, that’s okay, you are already doing enough. If you are looking for ways to get politically involved, here are a few ideas:
- Call or email your representatives and urge them to support pro-2SLGTBQ+ legislation.
- Donate to or volunteer with organisations that support 2SLGBTQ+ folks.
- Learn about policies at your school or workplace affecting 2SLGBTQ+ people. Gegi is a resource on self advocating for gender identity and expression inclusion in Ontario schools you can check out to learn more about your rights.
- Challenge and work on unlearning harmful and restrictive messages you have been taught about gender and sexuality
Further Reading:
If you have questions about this topic, feel free to contact one of our peer educators. [Link]
Last Updated: June 2023
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