Boundaries are rules or limits you create based on what feels safe or reasonable when you relate to others or others relate to you. Check out this page to learn more!
Period Products
Periods can be hard to navigate, especially when you’re new to the ever-expanding world of menstrual products! The page breaks down some of the basics on tampons, pads, cups, discs, and period underwear!
DIY Sex Toys
DIY Sex Toys are toys you can make using everyday items you can find at home or easily buy in stores! Learn about sleeves, vibrators, safety tips and more!
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a very common mental health experience. But what is it? This series contains things you can do that might help you to cope with and manage anxiety.
What can I do about my anxiety? – Physical State
How does anxiety affect your physical state? This series contains things you can do that might help you to cope with and manage anxiety.
What can I do about my anxiety? – Thoughts
How does anxiety affect your thoughts? This series contains things you can do that might help you to cope with and manage anxiety.
What can I do about my anxiety? – Behaviour
How does anxiety affect your behaviour? This series contains things you can do that might help you to cope with and manage anxiety.