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Image relevant to bodies whose thighs rub together (called Chub Rub for short)

How to Deal with Chub Rub

It’s summer! You know what that means:

Heat + moisture/sweat + friction = chub rub!

While it’s not only a summer affliction, it’s definitely something that more people experience in these sunny, hot months. Read on for more info on how you can prevent and treat chub rub!

What is Chub Rub?

Chub Rub is that uncomfortable sensation that comes from when you thighs rub together. This condition is often much worse in hot weather. It typically affects people with thighs that naturally touch, but all kinds of people may experience chub rub. Many people notice it during exercise, or while wearing shorts and skirts in the summertime. The chafing, rashes, and bumps caused by chub rub can be painful and stressful. It can be hard to know how to stop it from happening and how to treat it once it has happened. While there is nothing wrong with having thighs that rub together, it’s useful to know how to keep them from getting sore and irritated due to friction.

Preventing Chub Rub

Here are some things you can try to try and avoid getting chub rub:

Ouch! Treating Chub Rub

Oh no! It happened! What do you do to lessen the pain and irritation of chub rub? Here are some options:

Here’s a handy table that breaks down some of the treatments out there. As a disclaimer: This isn’t medical advice or an endorsement! This is just stuff that has worked for people in the past, and that you could consider trying. Again, if you’re really not sure and the chub rub is more uncomfortable or painful than you can handle, check in with a clinician.

First Place
  • Monistat Anti-Chafing Powder Gel
  • Body Glide
Second Place
  • Gold Bond Friction Defense (stick or gel – powder is less effective)
  • Silky Underwear Dusting Powder by Lush Cosmetics
  • Lanacane Anti-Friction Gel
  • Fresh Balls (cream)
  • Anti-Monkey Butt Powder
  • Chamois Butt’r
  • 2Toms Sport Shield (liquid roll-on)
Third Place
  • Deoderant (All natural is best, like Tom’s of Maine. Do not use anti-perspirants.)
  • Coconut Oil
  • Desitin (and other diaper rash creams)
  • Vaseline (petroleum jelly)
  • Baby Oil
  • Baby Powder (Cornstarch-based, not talcum-based. Talcum-based ones are carcinogenic.)

(to deter chafing)

  • Bandelettes
  • Cycling/compression/Spandex Shorts
  • Stockings
  • Leggings
  • Undersummers
  • Jockey Skimmies Slipshort
  • Boxer Briefs
  • Lululemon, Underarmour, Nike (with crotch ventilation), Moving Comfort, Dear Kate, Sonsee Anti-Chafing Shorts, Thigh Society Anti-Chafing Shorts – breathable, wicks away sweat
  • Neosporin
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Argan Oil
  • Turmeric Powder/Paste


For more info on Chub Rub, check out these videos:

Or you can read these articles:

If you have questions about this topic, feel free to contact one of our peer educators. [Link]

Last Updated: April 2020

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