What is Covered by OHIP+: Birth Control Edition
OHIP+ came into effect on January 1st, 2018, and it makes many medications free for children and youth up to age 24. But which types of birth control does it cover? We break it all down in this post!
How to Tell Someone You’re Breaking Up With Them
Break ups are complicated. This blog post covers some things to consider while talking with someone about ending your relationship.
FAQ: What is “unprotected sex”?
A lot of the time “unprotected sex” usually means when people don’t use condoms and/or any birth control methods. That’s typically how people learn to use it, either in school or media. But really, it depends on what kind of things you’re trying to protect yourself from.
What is Risk: STI Edition
When it comes to sex and sexual health, how do we feel about risk? What are things we can do to reduce risk of things we don’t want to happen? For the first post in our What Is Risk series we’re talking about STI risk!
Flirting Part 3: How???
In this series we’re going over how people might want to think about interacting with a crush.This post shares ways people can try to flirt with their crushes. Let’s go
Flirting Part 2: What Flirting Isn’t
In this series we’re going over how people might want to think about interacting with a crush. Our first post covers ways we can understand and define flirting, this post goes over what isn’t flirting, and our next post shares some ways people can try to flirt with their crushes. Let’s go!
Flirting Part 1: What Is Flirting?
In this series we’re going over how people might want to think about interacting with a crush. This post will cover ways we can understand and define flirting. Let’s go!
FAQ: What is Passing?
“Passing” generally means being perceived by people, and mainstream society as cisgender and/or heterosexual. Passing is not inherently good or bad, but it is a complicated topic! Check this post out to learn more!
What do you do if you don’t have sex?
Whether it’s a broken condom or surprise roommates coming home, what are people supposed to do when sex doesn’t end up happening? We’ve come up with a few suggestions of fun alternatives! Check them out!
Is Sex Supposed to Hurt? – Going to the Doctor
“Is Sex Supposed to Hurt” is an ongoing series to get unique perspectives on painful sex. Today we’re talking to Abby about her experience with pain during vaginal sex.