What To Expect When Getting An IUD
For the third post in our What To Expect series, we’re going over some of the basics of what it’s like to get an IUD.
FAQ: I came out as a lesbian. Now what?
Sometimes we can spend so much time imagining what coming out is going to be like that we don’t think about what life is going to be like after that. In this FAQ we cover some things to consider for your next steps after coming out!
5 Questions with Andrew, a former THS Volunteer!
Did you know that Teen Health Source has been around for 25 years! To help celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we’re checking in with some of our previous volunteers. Today we’re hearing from Andrew!
What Counts As A Late Pill?
Remembering to take your birth control pill at the same time every day can be tricky. This post covers what people can do in the event that they are late/forget taking a pill.
People have lots of different terms and definitions when it comes to understanding their sexual orientations or gender identities. This post helps lay out some of the more widely mentioned definitions, and talks about how we can improve our resources to be more inclusive!
5 Questions with Susy, a former THS Volunteer!
Did you know that Teen Health Source has been around for 25 years! To help celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we’re checking in with some of our previous volunteers. Today we’re hearing from Susy!
Teen Health Source Turns 25!!!
Teen Health Source is proud to be marking 25 years of providing peer sexual health information to youth across the GTA!
Kids These Days: Let’s Talk About (Safer) Sex!
The latest episode of Kid These Days features an interview with Andrew Townsend, the Coordinator for Teen Health Source. Check out this brand new podcast!
FAQ: Dealing with Cheating
Cheating can be hard on a relationship. It’s normal for partners who have been cheated on to feel angry or lost. This post covers some things partners can consider when dealing with the complicated emotions or tough decisions that can come up in the aftermath.
5 Questions with Cynthia, a former THS Volunteer!
Did you know that Teen Health Source has been around for 25 years! To help celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we’re checking in with some of our previous volunteers. Today we’re hearing from Cynthia!