FAQ: How effective is the withdrawal method? Should it be used?
What’s up with withdrawal? People often feel guilty or nervous when they use it as a method of birth control, but does it actually work?
PPT’s Supporting Newcomer Access Project (SNAP)
Check out PPT’s Supporting Newcomer Access Project for info on FREE sexual health workshops for newcomer youth!
FAQ: Is it true that people have sex at younger ages today than in previous generations?
Is it true that people have sex at younger ages today than in previous generations?
5 Questions with Jack from Come As You Are
We chat with Jack from Come As You Are about working in a Toronto sex cooperative!
GTA Clinics Doing IUD Insertions & Sales
Check out this list of health clinics in the GTA who sell and do IUD insertions across the city.
FAQ: If you don’t want to ask your partner if they have an STI (e.g. one night stand), what is the worst that can happen?
If you don’t want to ask your partner if they have an STI (e.g. one night stand), what is the worst that can happen?
5 Questions with Kaleigh Trace
Sexpert Kayleigh Trace (thefuckingfacts.com) talks to us about communication, disabilities, and what to do about sex toys if you’re under 18!
5 Questions with Desmond
Desmond talks to us about transitioning, coming out as a trans man, support, and offers some advice for trans teens!
Free/Low-Cost Mental Health Resources in Toronto
A Google Doc to Free/Low-Cost Mental Health Resources in Toronto