How do I know when I’m ovulating?
In this post we go over some of the physical, emotional, and biological signs that people can recognize to better know if and when they might be ovulating. Check it out!
FAQ: What happens if someone is too big?
A lot of conversations about sex push the idea that bigger is better. While that’s maybe true for some people, it’s also the case that smaller is better, or a different position is better, or sex toys are better, etc. — Check this article to read more about navigating size differences!
Download SNAP’s Play With Me Journal of Self-Exploration
Check out the latest sexual health resource from PPT’s Supporting Newcomer Access Project! It’s full of recipes, horoscopes and activities on topics likes relationships, pleasure, consent, and more!
What is PCOS?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects 6-10% of people with ovaries. Read on to learn more about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options!
Under 13? Over 19? Teen Health Source is available for youth of all ages!
We know it’s hard to access sexual health supports right now. To help, we’re opening up our info line to answer questions for youth outside of the 13-29 age range.
FAQ: How does OHIP+ work?
OHIP+ helps cover medication costs for youth 24 and under who don’t have private insurance. This post answers some of our OHIP+ FAQs.
FAQ: How Can I Stop Thinking About My Ex?
Breaking up is hard! And the tough part doesn’t end with the actual break up conversation. This post covers some ways you can try to take your mind off of your ex or past relationships.
FAQ: When is it okay to laugh about sex with my partner(s)?
Sex can be a really intimate and vulnerable activity for people. Because of this, laughter can be a really powerful thing, both positively and negatively. But how do you know when it’s okay?
How do antidepressants affect sex drive?
Antidepressants are commonly prescribed as a way to treat mental health conditions, but how do we navigate the ways they might interact with our bodies or our sex drives?
Can you get your period while you’re pregnant?
Bleeding can happen while a person is pregnant, it’s just not a period. But what could it be?