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Tag: HIV

  • The left is fuchsia text that reads "The Blood Ban" Barriers to Donating Blood in Canada." On the right is an icon of a blood bag with a Ban circle over top. The background is white.

    The Blood Ban: Barriers to Donating Blood in Canada

    Blood donation has been in the news lately, as Canadian Blood Services are going to be changing some of their requirements around who can and can’t donate blood. In this article we’re going to talk about blood, how blood donation works, HIV/AIDS, and more!

  • On the right is an icon of a pill bottle, pill pack, and some loose pills. The left is white text that reads "A quick history of HIV treatment." The background is orange.

    A Quick History of HIV Treatment

    This article provide a quick background on the history of treatments for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Check it out to learn more!

  • Text reads "5 Questions with Thomas from Freddie!" Below is a quote that reads "There are also many doctors and healthcare professionals who don't know about PrEP, which is very concerning." The background is blue, and there's a picture of Thomas.

    5 Questions with Thomas from Freddie

    Freddie is a Canadian health organization offering access to PrEP, a pill that reduces one’s risk of acquiring HIV by 99%. They provide inclusive and convenient care focused on queer and trans communities. Check out our interview to learn more!

  • White text on Green background that reads PEP


    PEP is a set of 3 medications you can take if you have recently been exposed to HIV to lower your risk of getting it. This post covers things like how PEP works, and how you can get the medication.

  • White text on Fuchsia background that reads PrEP


    PrEP is a pill that you take every day that can lower your risk of getting HIV. This post covers things like how PrEP works, and how you can get the medication.

  • A New Place to Get PrEP!

    The Maple Leaf clinic is now offering a PrEP clinic in Downtown Toronto!


    What you need to know about HIV / AIDS.

  • Living with HIV

    Finding out you have HIV isn’t easy. This page has information and tips to help you continue to live a happy and healthy life.