FAQ: Is “queer” a slur?
Check out our post to learn about the history of the word queer, and why some feel it to be a controversial term.
An Intro to Aromanticism
Aromanticism is when someone doesn’t experience romantic attraction, or doesn’t experience it the way alloromantic people do. This post explores what that word means, and some other helpful labels we might use to describe those feelings.
FAQ: What is Passing?
“Passing” generally means being perceived by people, and mainstream society as cisgender and/or heterosexual. Passing is not inherently good or bad, but it is a complicated topic! Check this post out to learn more!
FAQ: Sorting Out Romantic vs Sexual Feelings
When you’re in a relationship, how do you handle new feelings of romantic or sexual attraction for people other than your partner? And what if those new feelings you’re feeling are making you ask questions about your sexual orientation? In this post we cover some definitions for orientations that you may not be familiar with!
Identifying as Trans
This article answers some common questions about what it means to be trans.
Identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Queer (LGBQ)
You identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or queer. Now what?
Sexuality and Gender Resources for Youth
Organizations and resources for supporting youth around gender and sexuality.