Teen Health Source Pride Series: How Can I Celebrate Pride?
Learn about the different ways you can uplift the LGBTQ+ community during Pride month and beyond!
5 Questions with Catherine Hernandez
Catherine Hernandez is a writer, activist, theatre performer, radical mother, and so much more! Added to that list, she’s now the latest person we talked to for our 5 Questions series! Check out this interview for some great links and resources!
5 Questions with Arti, PPT’s LGBTQ Youth Initiative coordinator!
We sat down with Arti, one of the coordinators for Planned Parenthood Toronto’s LGBTQ Youth Initiative, to talk about the initiative, how to run such a program, and supports for LGBTQ youth in the city. Check it out!
FAQ: How should I come out to my dad and family as trans?
Teen Health Source vols came up with some strategies and things to think about if you’re having a tough time coming out to your family.
Sex, Gender and Sexual Identity
A great primer for understanding the difference between sex, gender identity, sexual identity and other important concepts!
Understanding Your Own Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
How do you know what your gender identity is? How do you know what your sexual identity is? This article has some answer and prompts to help you define these things for yourself!
Identifying as Trans
This article answers some common questions about what it means to be trans.
Identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Queer (LGBQ)
You identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or queer. Now what?
Gender and Sexuality ABCs
Basic definitions of different terms used to describe sexual and gender identities.