What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
Check out this article to learn more about pelvic inflammatory disease, including symptoms, treatment, and prevention.
What is DoxyPEP?
DoxyPEP is an antibiotic treatment used for STI prevention. Check out our post for more info!
STI Rates for Youth in Canada (2007-2016)
Public Health Agency of Canada recently released an Update on Sexually Transmitted Infection in Canada, 2016. We’ve pulled out some of the data as it relates to teens in Canada!
What is Risk: STI Edition
When it comes to sex and sexual health, how do we feel about risk? What are things we can do to reduce risk of things we don’t want to happen? For the first post in our What Is Risk series we’re talking about STI risk!
What to Expect: Getting An STI Test
For the second post in our “What To Expect” series, we’re going over some of the basics of what it’s like to go to an appointment for STI testing.
Being Sex Positive During Pregnancy/STI Scares
Sex negativity can make it hard to shake off the stress and worry of pregnancy or STIs after getting negative test resultsĀ or reassuringĀ information. So how do we try to be more sex positive in these situations? Let’s find out!
FAQ: Can Precum Get You Pregnant?
We get a lot of questions about precum. A LOT. This post addresses some of the stuff that comes up in our faqs about precum, including pregnancy, STIs, and what the heck it’s even for!
5 Tips for Telling Your Ex to Get Tested
What do you do when you get a positive STI test *after* a break up? How do you tell your fresh new ex? Here are some tips!