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Tag: sexual orientation

  • On the left is white text that reads "FAQ: My partner told me they're asexual. What does this mean for me?" and on the right is an icon of two people talking. The background is orange.

    FAQ: My partner told me they’re asexual. What does this mean for me?

    In this article we cover some of the first questions people often have when trying to understand how their partner being ace may or may not impact their relationship.

  • On a fuchsia background, white text reads "Looking at Different Types of Attraction." There are also two human figures being connected by an arrow.

    Looking at Different Types of Attraction

    There are lots of different ways that people can be attracted (or not) to each other. So read on for just some of the labels and concepts people have for understanding and talking about attraction!

  • FAQ: I came out as a lesbian. Now what?

    Sometimes we can spend so much time imagining what coming out is going to be like that we don’t think about what life is going to be like after that. In this FAQ we cover some things to consider for your next steps after coming out!


    People have lots of different terms and definitions when it comes to understanding their sexual orientations or gender identities. This post helps lay out some of the more widely mentioned definitions, and talks about how we can improve our resources to be more inclusive!

  • FAQ: Bisexuality Questions for Bi Visibility Day!

    Happy Bi Visibility Day! To celebrate, we all got together to answer some of our most common questions about what it means to be bi.

  • Poster for campaign by the LGBTQ Initiative, about responding in non-harmful ways to LGBTQ folk

    Send the Right Message!

    Check out Send The Right Message, a brand new campaign of Planned Parenthood Toronto’s LGBTQ Youth Initiative!

  • Intro to Asexuality

    More and more people are openly identifying as Asexual. This post breaks down the basics, and offers some starter resources for folks who want to learn more!